<aside> 💡 Applicable for APP versions >= 1.3.0





1.1 Generic registers

Register Size (bytes) Base Description Default Value Range (Min-Max) Comments
304 2 10 PIN code 0
(deactivated) 0 - 9999 PIN code used with ATPIN command.
Value 0 disables the PIN code.
306 1 10 Product mode 0 0: PARK
1: PRODUCTION In PARK mode, product is not using Radio.
In PRODUCTION mode, product will send/receive RF uplinks/downlinks.

1.2 Applicative registers

Register Size (bytes) Base Description Default value Min-Max Value Comments
301 2 10 Transmit period of data 1
0 ...
65535 Number of backups (history logs) to be done before sending a frame (thus defining the sending period).
The value 0 is equivalent to disabling the periodic mode.
315 1 10 Time zone offset 0
-12 … 14 Defines the Time Zone offset from UTC (in hours).
Must be defined for Daylight Saving Time management.
316 1 10 Daylight Saving Time management 0
0 … 1 Only applicable for European countries.
0 : disabled
1 : enabled
318 1 10 Time stamping 0
0 … 1 LoRaWAN EU868
If enabled, adds a time stamp in data frames.
0 : disabled
1 : enabled
319 1 10 Clock synchronization enabled 0 0 … 1 Activation of LoRa clock synchronization based on loRa MAC commands DeviceTimeReq, DeviceTimeAns.
Programming the first acquisition
Enable first acquisition programming to select the time at which the product will perform the first acquisition and save the index.
S319 should be active to have a good clock accuracy
Hour of first acquisition
Hour at which the product will perform the first index acquisition and save.
Relevant only if S370 is active
Minute of first acquisition
Minute at which the product first acquires and saves the index.
Relevant only if S370 is active
Register Size (bytes) Base Description Default value Min-Max Value Comments
320 1 16 Channels configuration

0x11 (chA ON, chB ON) |                   0 … 0xFF | For channel A: •  Bit 0: channel A activation            Value 0: channel deactivated            Value 1: channel activated •  Bit 1: meter type channel A (pull-up activation)            Value 0: meter other than Gas (pull-up deactivated)            Value 1: Gas meter (pull-up activated) •  Bit 2: Reserved •  Bit 3: tamper input channel A            Value 0: deactivated            Value 1: activated For channel B: •  Bit 4: channel B activation            Value 0: channel deactivated            Value 1: channel activated •  Bit 5: meter type channel B (pull-up activation)            Value 0: meter other than Gas (pull-up deactivated)            Value 1: Gas meter (pull-up activated) •  Bit 6: Reserved •  Bit 7: tamper input channel B           Value 0: deactivated           Value 1: activated | | 321 | 2 | 10 | History period | 43200 (24h) | 1 … 65535 | x 2 seconds | | 322 | 1 | 16 | Anti-bounce filter period (pulse minimum width) (channels A and B) |                       0x22 |                       0 ... FF | Bits 0 to 3: debounce period - channel A •  Value 0: deactivated •  Value 1: 1 ms •  Value 2: 10 ms •  Value 3: 20 ms •  Value 4: 50 ms •  Value 5: 100 ms •  Value 6: 200 ms •  Value 7: 500 ms •  Value 8: 1 s •  Value 9: 2 s •  Value A: 5 s •  Value B: 10 s •  Value C à F: reserved   Bits 4 to 7: debounce period - channel B •  Value 0: deactivated •  Value 1: 1 ms •  Value 2: 10 ms •  Value 3: 20 ms •  Value 4: 50 ms •  Value 5: 100 ms •  Value 6: 200 ms •  Value 7: 500 ms •  Value 8: 1 s •  Value 9: 2 s •  Value A: 5 s •  Value B: 10 s •  Value C à F: reserved |

Register Size (bytes) Base Description Default value Min-Max Value Comments
323 4 10 Current index value - channel A 0

0 ... 42949672 95 | Unit: number of pulses   In COMMAND mode, it is possible to write a new value in this register (for example an initialization value, an adjustment value ...).   Warning: this register does not contain current counter. | | 324 | 4 | 10 | Current index value - channel B | 0 |   0 ... 42949672 95 | Unit: number of pulses   In COMMAND mode, it is possible to write a new value in this register (for example an initialization value, an adjustment value ...).   Warning: this register does not contain current counter. | | 325 | 2 | 10 | Flow calculation period (channels A and B) | 60 | 1…. 1440 | x 1 minute | | 326 | 2 | 10 | Flow threshold (channel A) | 0 | 0 ... 65535 | Unit: pulses per hour 0: deactivated | | 327 | 2 | 10 | Flow threshold (channel B) | 0 | 0 ... 65535 | Unit: pulses per hour 0: deactivated | | 328 | 2 | 10 | Leak threshold (channel A) | 0 | 0 ... 65535 | Unit: pulses per hour 0: deactivated | | 329 | 2 | 10 | Leak threshold (channel B) | 0 | 0 ... 65535 | Unit: pulses per hour 0: deactivated | | 330 | 2 | 10 | Number of daily periodsunder the leak threshold (channel A) | 0 |   0… 1440 | 0: deactivated   The multiplication of this register by the period of flow measurement must be less than 24 hours otherwise the product will be perpetually in alarm. | | 331 | 2 | 10 | Number of daily periodsunder the leak threshold (channel B) | 0 |   0… 1440 | 0: deactivated   The multiplication of this register by the period of flow measurement must be less than 24 hours otherwise the product will be perpetually in alarm. | | 332 | 1 | 10 | Scan period forChannel A tamper input | 2 | 1… 255 | x10 seconds | | 333 | 1 | 10 | Tamper detection thresholdchannel A | 3 | 1… 255 | Number of positive scans of A-channel tamper before triggering the tamper alarm | | 334 | 1 | 10 | Scan period for Channel B tamper input | 2 | 1… 255 | x10 seconds | | 335 | 1 | 10 | Tamper detection thresholdchannel B | 3 | 1… 255 | Number of positive scans of B-channel tamper before triggering the tamper alarm | | 340 | 1 | 10 | Number of redundant samples perframe | 0 | 0… 255 | |

1.3 Radio registers

1.3.1 LoRaWAN Network Registers

Register Description Encoding Details
201 Spreading Factor (SF) by default (Read Only) Decimal Default: 12
Min/max: 7 to 12
Unit: None
214 LORA APP-EUI (first part – MSB) Hexadecimal Default: 0
Key encoded on 16 characters. Each register contains a part of
the key.
Used during the JOIN phase in OTAA mode
APP-EUI = 0018B244 41524632
• S214 = 0018B244
• S215 = 41524632
215 LORA APP-EUI (second part – MSB) Hexadecimal Default: 0
Key encoded on 16 characters. Each register contains a part of
the key.
Used during the JOIN phase in OTAA mode
APP-EUI = 0018B244 41524632
• S214 = 0018B244
• S215 = 41524632
216 LORA APP-KEY (firstpart – MSB) Hexadecimal Default: 0
Key encoded on 32-byte characters. Each of the 4 registers contains 8 characters.
Used during the JOIN phase in OTAA mode
APP-KEY = 0018B244 41524632 0018B200 00000912
• S216 = 0018B244
• S217= 41524632
• S218=0018B200
• S219= 00000912
217 LORA APP-KEY (second part – MID MSB) Hexadecimal Default: 0
Key encoded on 32-byte characters. Each of the 4 registers contains 8 characters.
Used during the JOIN phase in OTAA mode
APP-KEY = 0018B244 41524632 0018B200 00000912
• S216 = 0018B244
• S217= 41524632
• S218=0018B200
• S219= 00000912
218 LORA APP-KEY (thirdpart – MID LSB) Hexadecimal Default: 0
Key encoded on 32-byte characters. Each of the 4 registers contains 8 characters.
Used during the JOIN phase in OTAA mode
APP-KEY = 0018B244 41524632 0018B200 00000912
• S216 = 0018B244
• S217= 41524632
• S218=0018B200
• S219= 00000912
219 LORA APP-KEY (fourth part – LSB) Hexadecimal Default: 0
Key encoded on 32-byte characters. Each of the 4 registers contains 8 characters.
Used during the JOIN phase in OTAA mode
APP-KEY = 0018B244 41524632 0018B200 00000912
• S216 = 0018B244
• S217= 41524632
• S218=0018B200
• S219= 00000912
220 LoRaWAN Options Hexadecimal Default: 5
Bit 0: Activation of the ADR ON(1)/OFF(0)
Bit 1: Reserved
Bits 3 to 7: Reserved
Deactivation of the Duty cycle may result in a violation of the
conditions of use of the frequency band, depending on the use of the device, thus violating the regulations in force.
In the case of disabling the Duty cycle, liability is transferred to
the user.
221 Mode of activation Decimal Default: 1
Choice: (see NOTE 1 after the table)
• 0: ABP
• 1: OTAA
222 LORA NWK_SKEY (first part – MSB) Hexadecimal Default: 0
Parameter encoded on 16 bytes. 4 registers contains 4 bytes.
223 LORA NWK_SKEY(second part - MID MSB) Hexadecimal
224 LORA NWK_SKEY (third part - MID LSB) Hexadecimal
225 LORA NWK_SKEY(fourth part – LSB) Hexadecimal
226 LORA APP_SKEY (first part – MSB) Hexadecimal Default: 0
Parameter encoded on 16 bytes, each register with 4 bytes.
227 LORA APP_SKEY(second part - MID MSB) Hexadecimal
228 LORA APP_SKEY (third part - MID LSB) Hexadecimal
229 LORA APP_SKEY(fourth part – LSB) Hexadecimal
259 Channels Plan (US/AU 915 only) Decimal Default: 0
Min/max: 0 to 8
Select the Sub Band to use by the device during the Join phase (the same Sub Band supported by the GW).
0: the device uses all the supported channels: [0-63] in 125 kHz and [64-71] in 500 kHz
1: the device will use only Sub Band n°1. Use the channels [0-7] in 125 kHz and a channel [65] in 500 kHz.
8: the device will use only Sub Band n°8. Use the channels [56-63] in 125 kHz and 71 in 500 kHz.
Using one Sub Band may result in a violation of the conditions of use of the frequency band, depending on the use of the device, thus violating the regulations in force.
In the case of using a value different to “0”, liability is trans-ferred to the user.
280 NETWORK ID Hexadecimal Default: 0 Read only
281 DEVICE ADDRESS Hexadecimal Default: 0

NOTE 1: The “Over The Air Activation” (OTAA) mode uses a JOIN phase before being able to transmit on the network. This mode uses the APP_ EUI (S214 and S215) and APP_KEY (S216 to S219) codes during this phase to create the keys for network communication.

Once this phase is completed, the codes APP_sKEY, NWK_sKEY and DEVICE ADDRESS will be present in the corresponding registers. A new JOIN phase is started every time the device exits Command mode, a reset is performed, or the device is turned on.


The “Activation by personalization” (ABP) mode has no JOIN phase; it transmits directly on the network using the codes NWK_sKEY (S222 to S225), APP_sKEY (S226 to S229) and DEVICE ADDRESS (S281) to communicate.


Register Size (bytes) Base Description Default Value Range (Min- Max) Comments
303 1 10 LoRaWAN Confirmed mode
0-1 0: deactivation
1: activation
312 4 10 Maximum delay between 2 authentication attempts
43200 (12h)
313 2 10 Weighting factor for initial authentication attempts 1 1-65535
314 1 10 Number of tries for each authentication attempt 10 (EU)
72 (US/AU) 1-255

1.3.2 Sigfox Network Registers

Register Size (bytes) Base Description Default Value Range (Min- Max) Comments
307 2 10 Sigfox Downlink period 1440 (24h) 0-65535 X 1 minute
⇒  Period : 1 min to 45 days
317 1 10 Sigfox Duty cycle 1 0-1 0: Duty cycle deactivated
1: Duty cycle activated

Not displayed anymore in LoRaWAN since 2.0.0 |


Data with size greater than 1 byte will be transmitted MSB first. In LoRaWAN, frames are sent on port 1.

2.1 Status byte

All frames sent by the product contain a status byte. Its format is identical for all IoT Adeunis products.

Alarm Status Bit 7 to 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Frame Counter AppFlag2 AppFlag1 Timestamp
Low Bat Config
No Error 0x00 to 0x07 0 0 0 0 0
Configuration done 0x00 to 0x07 0 0 0 0 1
Low bat 0x00 to 0x07 0 0 0 1 0
Timestamp 0x00 to 0x07 0 0 1 0 0
AppFlag1 0x00 to 0x07 0 1 0 0 0
AppFlag2 0x00 to 0x07 1 0 0 0 0

The status byte provides two bits reserved for a specific use of each product (AppFlag1 and AppFlag2). For this product:

2.2 Uplink Frame format

2.2.1 Product configuration (0x10)


This frame is sent following the reception of a frame with code 0x01, or at the start of the product.

| --- | --- | --- |

Decoding example:

| --- | --- | --- |

Sigfox / LoRaWAN US915 / LoRaWAN AS923 / LoRaWAN AU915

These frames are sent following the reception of a frame with code 0x01, or at the start of the product.